Thursday, September 14, 2017

Diffie-Hellman key exchange in Java

Diffie-Hellman key exchange is a method allows two parties that have no prior knowledge of each other to exchange a shared secret over a public (insecure) channel. This shared secret can then be used to derive a key for a symmetric cipher like AES (from high-level prospective, that's what happens when establishing a TLS connection).

Java supports Diffie-Hellman scheme via KeyAgreement class. Here is an example how Diffie-Hellman key exchange can be implemented with Java.

Diffie-Hellman scheme has two steps. In first step, we generate public and private values for Diffie-Hellman key exchange. The we need to send a public value to our partner. To do that, we just save public values in to a file. We also same a private value to a file, so then we can load it again.
In second step, we read a private value from a file. Then, we initialize KeyAgreement with the private value. Next, we read a public value generated by our partner. Finally, we complete key exchange with the public value, and generate a shared secret.

Here is how it can be done with Java:

And here is how it can be run:

mkdir -p classes

# compile
${JAVA_HOME}/bin/javac -d classes src/security/keyexchange/

# Bob initializes a key exchange on his side
# public value is going to be saved to bob.public
${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -cp classes security.keyexchange.DHKeyExchange bob init

# Alice initializes a key exchange on her side
# public value is going to be saved to alice.public
${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -cp classes security.keyexchange.DHKeyExchange alice init

# Bob reads the public value from Alice, finalizes key exchange, and gets a shared secret
${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -cp classes security.keyexchange.DHKeyExchange bob complete alice

# Alice reads the public value from Bob, finalizes key exchange, and gets a shared secret
${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -cp classes security.keyexchange.DHKeyExchange alice complete bob

And finally, here is what the output looks like:
>>> bob: private X saved to bob.private
>>> bob: public  Y saved to bob.public:
>>> alice: private X saved to alice.private
>>> alice: public  Y saved to alice.public:
>>> shared secret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
>>> shared secret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

You may notice that both Bob and Alice got the same shared secret.
By the way, here is a great explanation of the idea of Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm without math. You can even show it to your kids.
